How can I improve my jive?

Here are the most common problems my pupils encounter when they learn jive.


"Dancers take too long to complete a move they lose the beat and the next move is affected."



"Dancers leads are ambiguous"


Generally jivers lead most with their arms, and so the leader needs to think about minimising his arm movement and distinguishing his movements from other possible leads. Try clarifying this on an experienced partner who should tell you where problems with particular moves lie. Possibly it is the fault of the follower who is assuming you are leading something when you are not. The leading of spins are the most likely problem. The solution to this is to lead the preparation for the spin as early as possible before the spin itself is lead.


"I keep losing the beat"


When a record slyly changes tempo part way through, or the CD skips, your best bet is to stop, pick up the beat when it resumes, then do the simplest move you can think of perhaps a couple of times then resume.


"I find drops difficult and hurt my back or arms"


Make sure your partner is close enough to you. For most drops if you can see daylight between you and your partner at any time during the drop or during its preparation, you are too far away and putting unnecessary strain on your back. Drops should be easy if done correctly.